Thursday, December 07, 2006

Now you're messin' with a son of a...

Well, after a couple week hiatus, Supernatural is all new phenomenon that will most likely cost me some sleep tonight. You see, I have two shows at 9pm on Thursdays and both are seriously rocking at the moment. To top it off, I have band practice tonight, which most likely will run late since we have a new musical director and his first rehearsal is tonight. (You know how it goes...)

Normally, I would watch one when I got home and save the other for the weekend since for the last couple of years The O.C. has steadily gone down hill, but now that both are good, I just can't decided. Besides, I know I could say that I was going to save one for later, but everyone knows I will just watch both tonight. Why do they do this to me? Don't they know how much this hurts me? Do they want me to suffer? (Oh right, yes...yes they do!) Why can't one of the shows move to Monday? Why can't I create the television schedules for the 5 networks, USA, and SciFi? Dude, I would totally rock at it! You know I would!! If only that dream could become a possibility...

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