Thursday, December 14, 2006

They all have their own hands, but they come from different moms!

Well, last week I started a new VidSpam Spectacular!™ column for pretty much my own amusement. It has recently come to my attention that although I love professional musicians, I get a kick out of non-professionals singing silly songs. So without further ado I present...

VidSpam Spectacular!™: The Amusing Songs I Love Sung By Non-Professionals Edition

First, I bring you the confrontation song from Les Miserables sung by Doogie Howser and one of the guys from Freaks & Geeks who used to date that nurse chick on ER that broke up with Luka. You know that one I am talking about. Anyway, I have to give them props for not only singing the song well, but also completely acapella.

And now to answer the question of what you do after playing Biff in the Back to the Future films. Well, here to explain what Michael J. Fox is really like and other vital question is Tom Wilson, or Biff if you perfer!!

And to finish off this VidSpam Spectacular!™, I bring you Bruce McCulloch's "Dave's I Know" song from the great Canadian sketch comedy series The Kids in the Hall (Eat that SNL!!!)

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