Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I'm coming up so you better get this party started!

Well it is official, dear reader(s). I made it a whole year without indulging in soda. I proved the ciritcs wrong and I'm guessing left a substantial dip in Pepsi Cola's revenues! (Although stock in New Belgium's Fat Tire should be skyrocketing!!)

So, as you might have imagined, I didn't think I would last a month, but somehow I beat the odds. My mom gave it a week and Crystal, bless her, gave me a month.

As this anniversary approached, I had a blog extravaganza planned to celebrate my first year of Soda Pop Sobriety. There was going to be a band. And streamers. And balloons...lots of balloons. And of course some B-list celebrity was going to stop by and congratulate me on my accomplishment. I know it isn't like solving the problem of world hunger, but if you knew how much soda I used to go through on a daily basis...

Anyway, sit back and enjoy the balloons, imagine you are listening to a 70 piece marching band playing Everybody's Everything with special guest, tv's Craig Fergeson!

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