Sunday, November 20, 2005

For you I know I'd even try to turn the tide...

So...late tonight I decided I wanted to go see Walk the Line. I had planned to see it sometime this weekend, but I just got it in my head that I had to see it tonight. I bring this up, only because I ended up driving down to Burlington - only 25 miles away, but it was really foggy - to catch the last showing. None of my friends answered their phones, so I ended up going alone...something that I really didn't mind. can already probably guess my final verdict on the film...I loved it. I think that Joaquin Phoenix was channeling Johnny Cash. It was more than an impersonation...I know that really makes no sense, but that is the only way I can explain it. I recommend it whole heartedly. The film is not a sweet is all about addiction, painful relationships, and all that comes with actually having a dream come true.
Some of you might have noticed that there was no post for Friday. I can explain. Well kinda...I went to happy hour at 5 and ended up getting home around midnight after watching a good portion of my grad school friends get drunk and sing karaoke at the local mexican eatery. A great night, but by the time I got home, I simply climbed into bed. Gotta love Friday night partying...even if you don't drink.

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