Wednesday, November 16, 2005

On a steady diet of soda pop and Ritalin...

Well, I am in the best mood...and most of you know that hasn't happened for quite a while. Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus...and he is bringing awesome movies. Tomorrow I go to the new HARRY POTTER MOVIE!!! I am only slightly excited as you can tell. I am even planning on taking a nap so that I can enjoy the midnight showing to the fullest...oh happy days!
Yesterday, I receieved The Portable Dorothy Parker in the mail. I had not ordered it, but I figured that a friend had sent me the book. I stayed up late last night reading it. Parker is probably most famous for writing screenplays including the original A Star is Born, but her poetry, short stories, and theatre reviews are also fascinating to read. She wrote the famous quote, "Men rarely make passes at girls who where glasses" and left most of her estate to Martin Luther King. I shall leave you with one of her most famous poems, "Indian Summer". Enjoy.
In youth, it was a way I had
To do my best to please,
And change, with every passing lad,
To suit his theories.

But now I know the things I know
And do the things I do;
And if you do not like me so,
To hell, my love, with you!

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