Sunday, February 05, 2006

Hold me if i need to weep...

Well after avoiding it for 24 years, I have finally watched my first Superbowl from start to finish. Well to be truthful, I watched all of the game...I missed the halftime show. I don't know who decided to call the Rolling Stones the greatest rock and roll band ever, but I have to strongly disagree. I mean come on people...clearly the Beatles own that title. And if not...of course I'd argue U2. Anyway, back to the game. I have never had that much anxiety about any game. Most people won't know this, but I watched every single Seahawks game this season, including the Monday night game against the Eagles. All in all...I am a bit depressed to say the least. I could rant about the incompetency of the refs and all of the bad calls or grumble about how much I now hate the Steelers, but instead I think I will do the unprecidented thing and let it go...well at least not seeth about it. It ain't healthy. Don't worry, I am sure by tomorrow I will be ranting about something as idiotic. To be honest, I can't believe how emotional I got about this. Well the Oscars are coming up...that usually brings on the rants!!!
Nothing much else going on. I know it has been over a week since my last blog, but nothing really exciting happened or at least that others might find interesting. I roadtripped with my father which turned out to actually be a pretty good time. I got sick and spent a couple of days in bed watching the first season of The O.C. I have an interview with a temp agency on Tuesday - I sad, but at least it isn't retail. I am trying not to get too excited since that always spells doom for me. Oh I have watched a couple of new eps of BSG, so really at the moment my life is on an upswing...if only I hadn't moved back to my parent's house and still didn't have a thesis to complete?!?! Well at least I finally got some good results on ChickLit's Sunday quiz. If you remember I had given up on them after being told the American city I was most like was Cleavland. a recent survey I was informed that if I were a superhero I would be Buffy and if I had to belong to a Middle Earth race I would be an Elf!!! Way to go me...and I didn't even have to manipulate the results!!! If only the Seahawks had life would be complete. Oh wait...I still need a man and a career. So really...couple of years away from a complete life. Don't worry...I'll keep you all posted!!!

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