Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I'm Still Just a Rat in a Cage!

I just might be watching The O.C. next season after all. I had all but given up hope since the show has consistently gone down hill since season one and the greatness of "Welcome to the O.C., Bitch!". However, today I read the most interesting tidbit concerning the upcoming storyline - especially that of Ryan. Since I don't want to ruin it for anyone, but also don't want to have to deal with death threats, I decided to try to put it in 'inviso-text'. You just have to highlight it with your mouse and you should be able to read the news. So...straight from "Watch with Kristin" over on E! Online I give you the most intriguing news of the day!!!

"Oh! Sorry, yes, Ryan from The O.C. (And by the way, Ryan's not the only major character on a TV show to be in a cage this season...think on that one!) Okay, are you ready? You sure? You sitting down? Here's what my mole just emailed me about The O.C. season premiere: (1) Julie Cooper develops substance abuse problem after losing Marisa, straining her and Dr. Robert's relationship. (2) Summer is at college, and becomes all Green Peacey. (3) Marisa's ex-boyfriend Luke is back on the show, and he has twin brothers who befriend Kaitlin Cooper. (4) And my favorite part, Ryan is so distraught by Marisa's death, he moves away and is cage fighting. He lets people kick the you-know-what out of him, because he doesn't give a damn anymore." To which I say: The O.C. might be the Best. Show. Ever."

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