Tuesday, October 17, 2006

But I still feel so blind sometimes...

I think that everyone should get a storage unit. Now before you start yelling at me about "wasting money" or "prepetuating out-of-control consumerism" or the starving children in Africa I could support for less than a dollar a day, I am not advocating buying more crap. I'm advocating renting a storage unit to stockpile all the crap you already own. That way, every couple of months, you could venture out to your storage unit and 're-discover' something you forgot you owned.
Case in point: Slings & Arrows. I watched and loved the first season of this program. I may be a sucker for most things Shakespeare, but the show quickly got me hooked on its own merits (the morticians helped!) I haven't seen the 3rd season, but I didn't feel the second season lived up to the greatness of the first. Anyway, I digress. I completely forgot about the show until I was searching through my storage unit looking for a certain pair of shows and stumbled upon the DVD set. It was like Christmas or something. And the best part...I already own it so I don't have to feel guilty about anything. How novel is that?!?!?!

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