Thursday, January 11, 2007

And to love I rhapsodize...

For those of you who may have spent the last few years hiding under a rock, just a little piece of information: I LOVE U2. Yes, not just an, "Oh I have a couple of their CDs" type love, but a "I paid over $200 for a ticket to a show, another $200 on souvenirs, and lost my voice for 3 days" kind of love. I'm sure I am not the biggest fan, but I have reached a level that scares me some of the time (and that is really saying something). Anyway, I absolutely love the video to their latest single, "Window in the Skies", and so I thought I would dedicate this week's VidSpam to the greatest band...EVER!!

VidSpam Spectacular!™: The "My Favorite U2 Videos of 2006" Edition

I don't quite know how this video came about, but I do think it is totally awesome. Seeing all of those artists singing other songs, but looking like they are siging along with U2 - something brillant! I love bands that can appreciate and value otehr artists...and not in a poncy way of course.

Although I loved the most recent Green Day album, I wouldn't call myself a huge fan. However, this collaboration is not to be missed by any music lover and besides, all the money went to a good cause - instruments for musicians!

This isn't my favorite song of of "Vertigo", but I love watching the video since it reminds me of the concert I attended. You remember, the one where I could see Bono's facial expressions...and the Edge changing from guitar to piano...and had to explain to my grad professor why I had no voice. Ah the memories...

Sure this music video looks like one of those trippy computer screen savers - which I can easily watch for hours I might add - and the sound isn't the best...but with lyrics like "Baby slow down/The end is not as fun as the start/Please stay a child somewhere in your heart", how could you not love this song? Well maybe you could, but I will never agree with you and that's the end of that!

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