Friday, February 16, 2007

2 + 2 is on my mind!

I hate math. Hello! I mean why do you think I switched from an engineering major to history!?!?! Or attempting to complete a masters in HISTORY. I mean you can't get more anti-alegebra than that. Anyway, one of the chicks that works in my office sent me an email containing pics taken from real math exams. I kind of wish I had been smart/brave enough to come up with some of these answers. Get ready to laugh and/or be offended!!

PicSpam Special Edition:
"No really, I can't add those numbers together in my head!"

Oh so obvious and yet oh so wrong!

I thought this was quite the accurate answer. Although I might not agree with all the adjectives, overall I think they got it right!

I'm telling you...there is always an elephant in the way!!

Peter, if it makes you feel better, I really do think it was funny in a completely unsarcastic way!

This one is my absolute favorite. This is so me in my calculus class!!

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