Thursday, February 01, 2007

It's 5 O'clock somewhere...

Douglas Adams was a genius. Not only did he write very clever books and provide us with the "Answer to The Ultimate Question Of Life, the Universe and Everything" (42), but he articulated an idea that explains so much of my life:

"This must be Thursday. I could never get the hang of Thursdays."

You might be wondering where I am going with this, but bear with me. You know how people use the excuse of "it's 5 o'clock somewhere" when they want to drink in the morning or afternoon? Well, I am going to start to use the excuse of "it's Thursday somewhere; I could never get the hang of Thursdays" when I do really stupid things. Like today, when I accidently poured water into my paper clip container thinking it was my glass. Sure today is actually Thursday so it fits easily, but given my tomorrow I will have done something just as idiotic. It is in my genes!

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