Thursday, May 03, 2007

You're the apple of my heart...

I don't really have much to say...who am I kidding? Of course I have much to say, it just isn't all that exciting or interesting. Sure I could rant about what I feel is wrong with congress and the horrific consequences of employing young, low-paid legislative staffers. It would make me feel better for a while, but in the end it is only a momentary relief and I would simply find something else to go on about.
I could talk about the new Supernatural ep on tonight, but I don't think many of my readers are Winchester fans. (I know, I know that hasn't stopped me in the past, but I am trying to be a more considerate least for today!) That show has had a really strong second half. Hopefully that convinces the powers that be to keep it around. *fingers crossed*
Oh, I am thinking of moving my blog over to Wordpress, but no final word on the subject. I figure if I do switch, it will only be after ChickLit figures out all the ins & outs. I know I don't want to figure it out!
I guess, I could talk about the pic I chose for today's blog. In case you are unfamilar, I love when my worlds combine and this is a pretty sweet image. The pic features Simon Pegg (if you have not seen Shaun of the Dead or Hot Fuzz, go and see both now...I can wait!), Kevin Smith (If you haven't seen a Kevin Smith film, I don't know why you would ever be interested in my blog!), and Edgar Wright (Pegg's co-writer and the director of Shaun of the Dead or Hot Fuzz.) Somehow, things don't seem so bad anymore...
Perhaps, I should have talked about last night's One Tree Hill episode. I didn't watch most of it, since I don't enjoy watching violence again women, but I do appreciate that the 2 girls fought the sicko-stalker guy and defeated him on their own. I thought sure the show was going to have one of the guys rush in and save them, but for once the female citizens of Tree Hill really stepped up!

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