Thursday, October 27, 2005

Well I know, I miss more than hit...

So I read this quote on the internet, while at work I might add, that talked about Shakespearean references in Disney's The Lion King. This got me thinking...The Lion King is actually Hamlet. Think about it...pretty boy prince...father killed by uncle...two friends accompany the son home...son seeks revenge and kills a lot of's HAMLET!! Crazy isn't it.
On another note, my friend S and I have decided that as far as we are concerned October 27 didn't exist. Both of us got reprimanded for some reason at work. Therefore, in our world...October 27, 2005 never existed. Period.
Last note before I go I have been thinking about this at work quite a lot and discussed the idea with a friend...inspired by a book idea by another friend. Here goes...Pig Mermaids in Space...just think Miss Piggie in a mermaid costume. I mean the franchise could start out with
Pig Mermaids in Space: The Curse of the Frog Prince and could easily include Kermit and the whole gang. It could work...I'm telling you!

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