Sunday, October 23, 2005

You snooze, you lose...Well I have snost and lost

Well, I have found myself in the middle of one of my obssessive moods and for those of you sick of hearing about Veronica Mars you will be happy to know that it has nothing to do with that brillant program. No...Doom has once again got me interested in Karl Urban. I think I would have hit this phase last summer if I hadn't been without internet in Ashland. The Bourne Supremacy did him a lot more justice, but unfortunately, it is only recently that I went searching again into his past films and features. What I found was absolutely golden. Not only do I have connections to the Xena world at the moment so I can get my hands on some of this footage, but I also might be able to find a great New Zealand film that has one of the greatest taglines ever!!!
(I should probably note that the film is called The Price of Milk.) Here goes:
"A man, a woman, and 117 cows." Perhaps I have a thing for cows since I got such a kick out of that album name a couple of days ago, but this one is priceless. Hopefully I can get my hands on the film. At least I can watch Xena no matter what...thanks S! Apparently he has played 4 roles on the show including Caesar and Cupid...see now the pic makes sense. I know you were wondering about it! Anyway, perhaps this will get me out of my Veronica Mars obsession (I should warn that I honestly don't think it will, but thought I would tease anyway).
Speaking of Veronica Mars, I think I have the soundtrack memorized and I have started a playlist of all of the other songs that have been used on the show that I already own. I was somewhat horrified to learn that I did indeed have "Wannabe" by the Spice Girls, but when you think about it...that is the least of my problems. For once I am in a good mood and nothing is going to bring me down...yet!

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