Monday, December 26, 2005

I'm loving angels instead...

So I just don't get it...why hasn't America embraced Robbie Williams?!?! How absurd...I mean the guy is not only a welcome sight to behold, he has an underdog story, he wears a wife-beater well, and can drink with the best of them...Americans love those qualities. Plus he is manly and is liked by both men and women. He may look a little scrawny, but my money is on matter tha opponent. I'm pretty sure he doesn't play fair.
You are probably wondering where this came from, but I have been chilling out watching my Live 8 DVDs and I was watching his 5 song stretch in which everyone in London - man, woman, child, and occasional animal - sang along to every song, had both hands waving in the air, and jumped up and down. And not only fast upbeat songs, but also the campy/sentimental song "Angel". Amazing...I am such an anglophile. The nice thing, though, is that Robbie Williams is followed by the Aussie sensation Keith Urban. Two men I love in a row...who could ask for anything more.
I spent a good portion of today shopping, but not really for myself. I picked up a coupld things for other people. I did get an O.C. calendar for myself, but it was 50%off. How could I pass that one up?!?!?!

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