Thursday, December 01, 2005

You know that should have been me... is sad, but a good portion of my day was spent looking up info on the "official" engagement of Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban. I kinda hope that it is true...kinda romantic in a way and they are both the same age and all and would have cute children. I fonly Keith and I had met before...thought I could write that with a straight face, but I was wrong. LOL
Today was world AIDS day...a fact that I didn't realize until late in the afternoon. A month ago, I read about a candle light vigil and thought that would be a nifty thing to go to, but with the snow crisis - it snowed from 11:30am to 8pm straight - I decided against standing outside in the snow. I can't afford to get sick...that would be bad, not as bad as AIDS, but definitely not a positive thing.
I have another nickname. H will now be referred to as FemeNazi. I only have one more to figure out. YAY!!! In eccentric news, I walked the 2 miles to Lois Lane's house to watch The O.C. and ER. Although I might think twice about doing it again, but it was kinda fun this evening. The shows were great and the company awesome, but the walk sucked...especially at 11pm!!!

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