Wednesday, January 11, 2006

waitin', watchin' the clock, it's four o'clock...

So...I am pretty sure that most of you that read this blog are sick of hearing about Battlestar Galactica, but if you are a friend of mine you know that won't stop me from talking. If anything...I just go on a bit more. Anyway, I have searched for the picture featured today for a couple of months. Last night, well actually early this morning since I have not been sleeping well at night, I found it on a pretty nifty website. It never ceases to amaze me that with all the time I spend on the internet, I still haven't found it all yet. Kinda reassuring in a bizzare way.
My day didn't go as planned, but turned out pretty well anyway. I missed the HGA meeting this eveing in order to help a friend in the middle of a crisis. Since I am quite familar with my own, it is nice to deal with someone elses. Oh...and I mailed FemeNazi's boyfriends back to her - i.e. CDs - after spending 25 minutes in the post office. Bham's post offices are beyond inefficient. I wish that I had started keeping a log of the time I spend in the branches when I first moved to town like I did with the countries trying to hack into my computer. Although, the time spent could scare me. I mean today alone I lost at least 25 minutes of my life I can't get back...perhaps it is better if I don't know the total.

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