Friday, January 20, 2006

Wake me 'til the morning after...

Once again the Internet gods have decided to shine upon me and returned my broadband connection to all its former glory. I have no clue what I keep doing to anger them, but I am thankful that I can finally return to my usual task of surfing the world wide web. Ah...sometime life goes okay...that is at least reassuring!
And to top it all off, I got to go see Underworld: Evolution not just once, but twice. I went to the first showing with one friend and the last showing of the night with Ms. Jane Bennet. Oh, how I love a Romeo & Juliet story with vampires and werewolves...well that and gory good fun. I can't explain it, but sometimes you just need some good ol' fashion monster movies with guys dressed up in werewolf costumes ripping out peoples throats. And man does this film provide that and more!! Believe me, you don't want to get me going on the brillance of the soundtrack. All in all quite the contrast from my movie choice at the beginning of the week!!

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