Sunday, January 01, 2006

Would you have my baby?

So one day last week I picked up one of the skinny, ultra-funny-in-a-sad-way, crap romance books at a used bookstore. For those of you concerned that I am visiting bookstores even though I am broke...have no fear. This was the only book I purchased and it was only a buck or so and I was with ChickLit, who had strict orders not to let me buy anything. Anyway, I picked up the book because of the cover...isn't it a doozy? I mean, as if the title wasn't halarious enough, the picture is priceless. Well, I read the book in an evening thinking the entire time that the country of Dacia was fictional. Unfortunately it turns out that the book - a crap book I really don't want to admit to reading - got one up on me. Oh...if only this wasn't the most depressing recent revelation in my life.
I actually figured this all out a church - an ironic place to think about romance novels, I know, but I gave up years ago trying to explain my thoughts. I didn't have a Bible of my own and so I borrowed one of the paperback volumes floating around - by floating I mean they were handed out by ushers to us poor unfortunate souls that for some reason or another were Holy Scriptureless. The front of the Bible advertised that it contained 2 maps of the ancient world and so I decided to take a look and there lo and behold was Dacia...right next to Syria. I believe that it was an ancient country and no longer exists since it doesn't seem to be listed anywhere, but hey...I really have no clue. I just feel the shame...the utter sadness that a crap Harlequin novel got the best of be...what will be next? Be sure to check back in the near futures since knowing me it is only around the corner!!!

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