Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Those were the days, my friend...

Well, I think it is official...I have a nickname for pretty much everyone now. You see, Renfield finally got around to agreeing on a name. So far, the reason behind his nickname wins out for best backstory. You see his father used to say that "You could never be Dr. Frankenstein, but you could always be Igor." Along the same lines, "You could never be Dracula, but you could always be Renfield." This of course reminded me of the Buffy ep when Dracula came to town and Xander fell under his thrall...oh and Giles tried to get it on with the three wives of Dracula...yeah I know everything reminds me of a Buffy ep, but I think this time it is justified. Besides, it is my blog...
I know some of you have been waiting for my passionate BSG finale review. Unfortunately, it ain't comin'. I thought about writing one, but instead I bored my parents with my predictions - who have never seen the show I might add -and discussed the finale's finer and crappy points with Renfield. Years ago I found the joy of talking to my parents about topics they could care less about to see how quickly their eyes glaze over. People seem to do the same thing after asking me about my thesis topic, but with the parental unit there is a history of past glaze-eyed references that make it all better...all going back to the glorious summer of Robert Jordan back in 1998. Ah how the years fly...but don't worry...I won't bore you with those rants!!

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