Friday, July 21, 2006

Taste the salt and taste the pain...

Every once in a while, I have a mental breakdown. In varying degrees, I think everyone does. It is part of being human. Although I had several during grad school, the last major kaput-fest (a new term I just created…we’ll see if it catches on!!) a couple of years ago at a screening of Cold Mountain. These kaput-fests (sorry I couldn’t think of another word and I’m kind of in love with this one) are not serious enough to require additional ‘professional’ help – unless you consider endless P & P viewings and pots of soothing tea additional or professional…at this point, they are just part of ordinary life. I mean, who doesn’t find watching Mr. Darcy – ‘cuz the man, like Mr. Big, is just better as a last name - and Lizzie fall in love over and over therapeutic. Although, come to think of it, this could also be a problem since this further confirms my desire to fall in love in a movie…so much more interesting!
Anyway, that is the reason for the recent hiatus. I probably should have put up a brief message to warn people, but lets face it…my haphazard and indiscriminate ramblings are not that vitally important to daily life. I don’t mean that as a self-depreciating declaration to garner sympathy or pity…it is just the plain and simple truth.

But I am back now…even though I most likely have lost all of my 3 readers. To be honest, you might even see the break as a blessing. You were spared my most recent dead cow/sheep stories. However, I will take a moment and assert that I now hate the heat for both personal (I hate being sticky) and non-personal reasons…and that is something my friends.

P.S. The cartoon is in Dutch and roughly translates as “Well, we will collapse therefore…” I will leave the others for you to translate if you so desire. I of course am that anal, but I know others aren’t!!

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