Monday, August 21, 2006

The Vivian Girls Are Visited In the Night by Saint Dargarius and his Squadron of Benevolent Butterflies! that title really has nothing to do with this blog, I've just been listening to a ton of Sufjan Stevens and this is one of the more amusing track titles. I love how most of the names of his songs are long-drawn out affairs that either give quite a bit of insight into the meaning/point of the song or simply cause confusion. Oh how I love over-thinking things.
nyway, I know that my loyal readers are probably wondering where I have been for the last couple of days. I wish I had a great abduction story - either aliens or some hot misundertood petty criminal - or something as equally thrilling, but the truth is, I simply had nothing to say. Which is quite amazing in and of itself if you think about it. When have I ever had nothing to say? This may very well be a sign of the apocalypse.
For the most part, I have been simply hanging out and reading articles for my thesis that seems to hit one road block after anther. The latest bump: 2 of my 3 thesis advisers are moving to Washington D.C. this month. This could make the defense process very interesting to say the least. Oh and I saw Little Miss Sunshine. I would thorough encourage everyone to go and see this film. It is beyond delightful!!

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